What is the National inventory of natural heritage (INPN)?

As the reference platform for the conservation and condition of French biodiversity and geodiversity, in mainland France and its overseas territories, the National inventory of natural heritage (INPN) portal disseminates and valorises data on species (fauna, flora, fungi), habitats, protected areas and geological heritage.

The INPN, a historical French natural heritage platform

Article L411-1 A of the environmental code establishes a national survey of natural heritage for the whole of the national terrestrial, fluvial and marine territories defined as ?an inventory of ecological, faunistic, floristic, geological, mineralogical et palaeontological wealth?. The INPN is the platform which shares this knowledge initiative.

Initiated in 2003, the INPN portal officially launched in 2005 on the database managed by the secretariat of fauna and flora of the National Museum of Natural History since 1979.

The INPN, unit of the biodiversity information system (SIB)

The decree of the 31st of December 2020 approves the national scheme for biodiversity data (schéma national des données sur la biodiversité (SNDB)) confirms the role of the INPN and underlines that ?this portal falls within the framework of the Biodiversity information system, of the information system relating to the inventory of natural heritage and the naturefrance information system?.

As the public information portal of the BIS, naturefrance.fr encompasses 31 public policies (each public policy is associated with a knowledge management information system). The INPN contributes to ten of them, presenting a detailed view of the distribution, the conservation and condition of biodiversity and geodiversity.

For more information

The naturefrance portal

Presentation of the Biodiversity information system (SIB)

The INPN, contributing to 10 knowledge management information systems

The INPN is the national platform of the Natural heritage inventory information system (SINP) and contributes to 9 other knowledge management information systems of the SIB:

  • Natura 2000 (conservation of wild flora and fauna);
  • areas regulated as natural heritage;
  • green and blue infrastructures (preservation and restauration of ecological continuity);
  • national action plans (operational national action plans for species conservation or restauration);
  • invasive alien species (monitoring and management of the introduction and propagation of certain plant and animal species);
  • conservation of species and habitats;
  • marine strategy framework directive (protection et and preservation of the marine environment);
  • Cites (exemptions from prohibited damage to protected species);
  • adaptive management of species.

For more information

Presentation of the natural heritage inventory information system (SINP)

Principal types of data made available to the public on the INPN website