Biodiversity in the territories

Key figures


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All species listed


protectedTaxonsCount 117 protected species
threatenedTaxonsCount 28 threatened and near threatened species

observation data
View all species

Species listed by group

Protected species

Oiseaux 77 Oiseaux
Mammifères 15 Mammifères
Champignons et lichens 0 Champignons et lichens
Crabes, crevettes, cloportes et mille-pattes 0 Crabes, crevettes, cloportes et mille-pattes
Insectes et araignées 2 Insectes et araignées
Plantes, mousses et fougères 5 Plantes, mousses et fougères
Amphibiens et reptiles 17 Amphibiens et reptiles

Threatened and near threatened species

Global Red List

List of globally threatened and near threatened species present in the territory

European Red List

List of european threatened and near threatened species present in the territory

National Red Lists

List of nationally threatened and near threatened species present in the territory

Regional Red Lists

List of regionally threatened and near threatened species present in the territory

Biogeographical status of species

PRESENT 721 present
SUBENDEMIC 2 subendemic
INTRODUCED 32 introduced
INVASIVE 10 introduced invasive
NOT_NATURALIZED 5 cultivated / domestic