Swiss National Bryophyte Databank


 This dataset is maintained by Swissbryophytes (National Data- and Information Center of Swiss Bryophytes, formerly "National Inventory of Swiss bryophytes", NISM). We are a member of InfoSpecies. The dataset includes records of Bryophytes (Anthocerotophyta, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta) from Switzerland and the adjacent area. Data sources include official herbaria and private collections from a large network of volunteer collaborators, inventories (National Inventory of Swiss bryophytes NISM, Red List strategy), national monitoring projects (Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland BDM, Monitoring the Effectiveness of Habitat Conservation in Switzerland WBS), environmental impact studies, academic work and literature. The records are in general based on specimens. The period covered by the data extends from 1800 to the present day. 


Type Organization Role
Contact principal Swissbryophytes non renseigné

Framework objective

 Multiple ou autres 


Start End
08/03/2024 non renseigné

Taxonomic target of the framework

 No information 

Framework territory

 No information 

List of species from the dataset