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Ecological envelope of Thaumatomyia notata extrapolated from 34 municipal data:
Altitude moyenne de la commune (m) (Source : RGC® (Répertoire Géographique des Communes))
Percentage of municipalities where the species is present for each class.
Altitude moyenne de la commune (m)
The reference curve 1 is that of all the municipalities of the departments where the species is present.
The reference curve 2 is that of all municipalities of France.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests for the variable : Altitude moyenne de la commune (m)
Test on all the municipalities of the departments where the species is present (reference curve 1)
Value obtained by the test: 0.025820250343045928  ||   Threshold value not to be exceeded (alpha=0.05) : 0.23334571953887398
Preliminary conclusion: The distribution of the species is identical to a random selection on all municipalities of the departments where the species is present for this variable.

Test on all the municipalities of the departments where the species is present (reference curve 2)
???especes.ecol.div5.??? 0.021349285113405506  ||   Threshold value not to be exceeded (alpha=0.05) : 0.23302073246000518
Preliminary conclusion: The distribution of the species is identical to a random selection on all municipalities of the departments where the species is present for this variable.