« The National Inventory of Natural Heritage (INPN) is the gateway to the state and conservation of biodiversity and geodiversity in France, metropolitan France and overseas. It publishes knowledge on animal, plant and fungi species, natural environments, protected areas and geological heritage. All this reference data, validated by networks of experts, is available to all, professionals, amateurs and citizens.
This gateway is part of the biodiversity information system (SIB) and the natural heritage inventory information system (SINP), and is integrated into the Naturefrance ecosystem. »


  • HabRef repository

Habitats repository

Habitats repository
Version: HabRef V7.0
Online: April, 2023

  • Species & Gallery

Testudo hermanni

Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789


Take part in your municipality's inventory with the INPN Espèces mobile application

Partner agencies