U3-21 - Falaises siliceuses médio-européennes des zones subalpines, alpines et nivales des hautes montagnes en climat tempéré

Middle European siliceous cliffs of the sub-alpine, alpine and nival zones of temperate high-mountains

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Siliceous cliff and rock communities of the sub-alpine, alpine and nival zones of the northwestern, northern, eastern and central Alps, the Pyrenees, the western Carpathians, the middle European Hercynian ranges, the Jura. Vegetation of alliances Androsacion vandelii, Asplenion septentrionalis and Hypno-Polypodion vulgaris, with the most typical species Acetosella vulgaris, Aurinia saxatilis, Polypodium vulgare, Woodsia ilvensis, Primula minima, Ranunculus alpestris, Saxifraga bryoides, Silene acaulis.


 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, 2021. EUNIS terrestrial habitat classification 2021 including crosswalks. ETC/BD-EEA. Table Excel transmise par S. Hennekens (Alterra) le 14/02/2022. (Source)