MA5-2331 - Scolelepis spp. dans du sable mobile médiolittoral en Atlantique

Scolelepis spp. in Atlantic littoral mobile sand

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Exposed and moderately exposed shores of fully marine mobile clean sand, with particle sizes ranging from coarse to very fine. The sediment is not always well sorted, and may contain a subsurface layer of gravel or shell debris. Usually no anoxic layer is present. The mobility of the sediment leads to a species-poor community, dominated by the polychaetes Scolelepis squamata and S. foliosa. The amphipod Bathyporeia pilosa may be present. Further species that may be present in this sub-biotope include the amphipods B. pelagica and Haustorius arenarius, and the isopod Eurydice pulchra. The lugworm Arenicola marina may also occur.
Situation: Situated mainly on the mid and lower shore, sometimes upper shore, of exposed to moderately exposed beaches. Under more exposed conditions, it may occur below MA5-2332, MA5-231, or MA3-211, and on the same shores as MA5-2333. Under more sheltered conditions, it may occur above the MA5-241 communities. Unit MA5-211 may be present on the same shores, where driftlines of wrack and other debris occur on the upper shore.
Temporal variation: Winter storms may reduce the number of or temporarily remove macroinvertebrates from exposed sandy beaches, with the sediment becoming re-colonised during the summer months.


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)