MB1-23A - Saccharina latissima (anciennement Laminaria saccharina) sur roche très abritée de l'infralittoral en Atlantique

Laminaria saccharina on very sheltered Atlantic infralittoral rock

Classification des habitats EUNIS 2022

Descriptif de l'habitat

Very sheltered infralittoral rock dominated by the kelp Laminaria saccharina. Typically very silty and often with few associated seaweeds due to siltation, grazing or shading from the dense kelp canopy. The most commonly occurring red seaweeds are Delesseria sanguinea, Phycodrys rubens, Bonnemaisonia hamifera and coralline crusts. In addition to the kelp the brown seaweed Chorda filum and Ectocarpaceae are often present. As well as lacking Laminaria hyperborea, the MB1-23A biotopes have fewer foliose and filamentous red seaweed species by comparison to MB1-239 biotopes. A depauperate assemblage of animals is present (by comparison to MB1-21A1 and MB1-21A2) predominantly consisting of the encrusting polychaetes Pomatoceros triqueter, the crabs Carcinus maenas and Pagurus bernhardus and the ubiquitous gastropod Gibbula cineraria. The echinoderms Antedon bifida, starfish Asterias rubens, brittlestar Ophiothrix fragilis and urchin Echinus esculentus occur in low abundance. Ascidians are commonly found in all the MB1-23A biotopes, but the large solitary ascidian Ascidia mentula are most prolific in very sheltered conditions of L. saccharina forests (MB1-23A2). This biotope is most commonly associated with the sheltered fjordic sealochs of Scotland where sublittoral hard substrata can be found at the sheltered head of the lochs. Similarly the sheltered loughs of Ireland (Lough Hyne, Strangford Lough and Carlingford Lough). It is also found where suitable hard substrata exist in the sheltered inlets of south-west Britain, such as Milford Haven or Plymouth Sound. 4 variants has been described: A mixture of L. saccharina and Laminaria digitata (MB1-23A1), dense L. saccharina forest in the upper infralittoral (MB1-23A2), sparse L. saccharina in the lower infralittoral (MB1-23A3) and urchin-grazed (MB1-23A4).


European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 2022. EUNIS marine habitat classification 2022 including crosswalks. Table Excel. (Source)