
Overseas biodiversity counter

In 2018, the � Livre Bleu outre-mer �, a summary of the work of the � Assises des outre-mer �, proposes the creation of a "Biodiversity Counter".

n 2021, this will be done with an overseas biodiversity counter which will enrich the Naturefrance digital ecosystem by presenting a focus on the overseas territories, which represent more than 80% of biodiversity in France.

An online tool, updated and sustainable, it promotes the meeting and synergy of citizens and biodiversity stakeholders.

It is a web portal that highlights the biodiversity issues in overseas territories and offers a range of documented and quantified information, an invitation to act for the preservation of natural heritage.

Fonds marins en Martinique © Fabien Lefebvre
Agir ensemble, Agricultrices à Mayotte © Bertrand Fanonnel

The website Overseas biodiversity counter

    It includes:
  • An overview of the state and evolution of biodiversity in the French overseas territories, with a series of indicators ; an alert message highlighting scientific knowledge, local stakeholders and their actions.
  • Local entries with key figures for each territory ; links to initiatives and biodiversity portals in each territory.
  • A "Biodiversity" portrait for each overseas territory elaborated collectively.
  • An invitation to get involved, notably by adopting concrete eco-friendly behaviors and participating in citizen science ; links to local participatory monitoring and existing mobile applications.
  • A link with reference sites on the state of nature in France, which provide the Compteur with key data : the National Biodiversity Observatory (ONB) and the National Inventory of Natural Heritage (INPN).
  • New studies, such as the development of new specific indicators, the first overview of participatory science programs in the overseas territories and a survey on the perception of nature and the use of digital tools.

It is a collaborative approach with the territories, to inform and mobilize in favor of their natural heritage, to relate the cultural contexts, to highlight their specific challenges and their solutions.

An initiative of the French Ministries of Overseas and of Ecological Transition.

A realization of the National Museum of Natural History and the French Office of Biodiversity, with their partners in the territories

See the website Overseas biodiversity counter


COULON J., DOZIÈRES A., GIGOT G. et LOIS G. (2022). Premier panorama des sciences participatives dans les territoires d'outre-mer. Inventaire et caractérisation. PatriNat (OFB – CNRS – MNHN), Paris. 50 pages.

Carte des territoires © Compteur Biodiversité Outre-mer