
  • What is the INPN?

    Presentation of the National Inventory of Natural Heritage (INPN), a reference platform on the state and conservation of biodiversity and geodiversity in France.

  • The SINP

    Nautilus macromphalus G.B. Sowerby II, 1849 © B. Guichard

    Presentation of the Natural Heritage Inventory Information System (SINP), of which the INPN is the national platform.

  • Mission and objectives

    Matricaire camomille Matricaria chamomilla © Gilles Collin

    Main objectives of the National Inventory of Natural Heritage (INPN)

  • Organisation

    Organisation © INPN

    Presentation of the managing body and the supervisory bodies of the INPN, as well as the missions of the editorial committee of the INPN.

  • Partner agencies

    List of partner organisations contributing to the development of the INPN.

  • Satisfaction survey

    Presentation and results of the INPN user satisfaction surveys.

  • Publications

    Booklets, posters and communication leaflets published in the context of the INPN.

  • Press

    INPN press releases and reviews.