Call for projects

This topic brings together practical information on the call for projects for the contribution to the naturalist knowledge in the framework of INPN and SINP (Natural Heritage Inventory Information System)

© INPN - O. Delzons
Description of the call for projects

The call for projects for the contribution to the naturalist knowledge aims to fill gaps in terms of taxa, ecosystems, period and / or geography. This call for projects is aimed primarily at naturalist associations and learned societies involved in the knowledge and / or conservation of biodiversity, through an action included in projects of national scope (France’s overseas included).

For more information

Consult the document of the call for projects
Download the response form

List of projects selected

Number of projects selected by theme, 2023 © INPN
List of projects selected in 2023

In 2023, 24 projects have been selected under the call for projects for contribution to naturalist knowledge. The "key" themes of this year are pollination, seagrass beds and biogenic reefs. Very diversified in terms of taxonomy and geography, the selected projects will help fill gaps in national knowledge on species and environments.

Download the list of projects selected in 2023

Number of projects selected by theme, 2022 © INPN
List of projects selected in 2022

In 2022, 25 projects were selected as part of the call for projects for the contribution to naturalist knowledge. This year, projects concerning coastal environments and diptera have received particular attention. The selected projects will help fill gaps in national knowledge on species and environments.

Download the list of projects selected in 2022

Number of projects selected by theme, 2021 © INPN
List of projects selected in 2021

In 2021, 21 projects were selected as part of the call for projects for the contribution to the naturalist knowledge. This year's main theme was soil biocenosis and benthic invertebrates. The selected projects are very diversified in taxonomic and geographical terms, and will thus allow gaps in national knowledge to be filled.

Download the list of projects selected in 2021

Number of projects selected by theme, 2020 © INPN
List of projects selected in 2020

In 2020, 23 projects were selected as part of the call for projects for the contribution to the naturalist knowledge. Most of these projects concern poorly known taxa and environments, and allows gaps in national knowledge to be filled.

Download the list of projects selected in 2020

Number of projects selected by theme, 2019 © INPN
List of projects selected in 2019

In 2019, the call for projects for the contribution to the naturalist knowledge was renewed and 24 projects have been selected. As the previous year, they have diverse geographical and taxonomic boundaries.

Download the list of projects selected in 2019

Number of projects selected by theme, 2018 © INPN
List of projects selected in 2018

In 2018, 22 projects, with very diverse geographical and taxonomic boundaries, were selected. These projects allowed to acquire a large number of data/publications /photos for the INPN concerning various species.

Download the list of projects selected in 2018