This topic brings together practical information on all national inventories and monitoring by partners of the INPN. More details on the various projects for national inventories of species will soon be searchable under the "Programmes" heading.
CardObs is an online naturalistic data management tool (localisation, observation, dates, etc.) enabling their banking and recovery.
Opening an account is accessible to anyone having good environmental knowledge.
The National Inventory of Geological Heritage (INPG) is a major programme for the knowledge of the French geological heritage. It is commissioned by the Ministry of Ecology and is under the scientific responsibility of the National Museum of Natural History. It currently lists more than 3,200 sites that present a geological heritage of international to local interest. Eventually, more than 5,000,000 sites are expected. The data for this programme is entered on the InvenTerre tool by the data producers. The data producers are experts in various Earth science disciplines and are grouped by region within the Regional Geological Heritage Commissions (CRPG).
Article from Naturae 2019 (1) Patrimoine géologique : notion, état des lieux, valorisation
Launched in spring 2015, this inventory concerns around forty little-known freshwater species and French sea species.
This very important inventory, which concerns almost 800 terrestrial and aquatic species, must be documented in the atlas publication in 2017.
Held by the MNHN and the French Society of Arachnology (AsFrA) since 2014, this inventory specifies the distribution of 1700 species of French spider.
Linked to the French National Inventory for Natural Heritage (INPN) since 2015, in 2017 this project should lead to the republication of the first atlas on this group, published in 1998.
This inventory was launched in 2011 to gather data on this group that is little-known yet includes bioindicator species, such as woodlice.
Contribute to the inventory with observations or photographs of continental fresh water and French sea Decapoda (crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp)!
Launched in early 2016 in partnership with "l'Association des Coccinellistes de France (ACoF)", this inventory concerns more than a hundred species, some very common and well known to the general public.
The SAPROX inventory was launched in late 2012 to strengthen knowledge on the distribution of 2000 beetle species linked to dead or decomposing wood.
Launched in 2014 with the Société Entomologique Antilles-Guyane (SEAG - (French West Indies and Guiana Entomological Society) and concerning a very broad family of beetles, this inventory is aimed at all Caribbean entomologists!
This inventory, linked to the INPN since March 2014, should lead to the publication of an atlas of ant distribution in France.
Anyone who is passionate or simply curious about butterflies can participate: in order to do so, see the "How to participate" heading of the methodological section.
This project, linked to the French National Inventory for Natural Heritage since 2015, is led by Martinique Entomology and should lead to the publication of an atlas in 2017.
Launched in 2002 by the Entomofauna association, this inventory is designed to gather the maximum amount of data on several moth families in French Guiana.
Launched in 2014, this inventory will be the subject of an atlas introducing the 800 or so species of fish that are found in French waters
Led by the Peau-Bleue (Blue-Skin) association, the project brings together the observations of divers, fishermen and naturalists on European seahorses and pipefish.
Since June 2014, it has been possible for Martiniquan herpetologists to participate in this inventory project, which will result in the publication of a regional atlas
Still in draft, this inventory must allow the species of metropolitan France and overseas, which will be presented in an atlas published in 2016, to become better known.
An atlas will be published on this chapter in 2015, but it is possible to send your ornithological observations all year round!
The second volume of this atlas will be devoted to the thirty species of ungulates and lagomorphs of the French territories and will be published in 2017.
This programme is aimed at French botanists, and its objective is to follow the evolution of the abundance of common plant species throughout the whole territory.
Focused on butterflies, the objective of this monitoring programme is to assess the health status of their populations in France.
This participatory survey by Opie aims for better understanding of this moth, which is threatened in several European countries.
In conjunction with the Vigie-Chiro bat monitoring programme, SON is offering you the chance to record the call of grasshoppers and other nocturnal Orthoptera
The advantage of STELI is that it offers you the chance to observe French dragonflies, whether you're a confirmed entomologist or an amateur without any specialist knowledge.
Take part in the oldest participatory science programmes by performing on-site listening near you!
Relaunched at the end of 2014 by the MNHN and the LPO Drôme bird protection league with a new protocol, this programme helps to determine the distribution of birds during the winter period.
Come and add to the knowledge about bats by registering their cries in the city, countryside or forest!