Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Richaud |
To get the picture, please visit:
Sonia Richaud
email :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Richaud |
To get the picture, please visit:
Sonia Richaud
email :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Ce criquet se distingue par ses ailes plus ou moins abrégées et une stature assez forte, surtout pour la femelle.
Taille : mâle : 25 mm, femelle : 34 mm.
En Europe occidentale, l'espèce n'est connue que du nord de l'Espagne et d'une zone restreinte en France méridionale. Ces populations françaises semblent bien séparées de celles du nord de l'Espagne.
L'espèce est considérée comme en régression, car, du fait de son inaptitude au vol, elle n'arrive pas à recoloniser les zones d'où elle a été éliminée.
Son habitat est constitué d'endroits arides et caillouteux, à caractère steppique, en dessous de 250 m d'altitude.
On peut observer ce criquet d'avril à septembre.
[Bellmann H., Luquet G., 2009. Guide des sauterelles, grillons et criquets d'Europe occidentale. Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris, 383 p.
Chopard L., 1951. Orthoptéroïdes.Collection Faune de France – 56. Paul Lechevalier, Paris, 359p.
Voisin J.-F. (coord.), 2003. Atlas des Orthoptères (Insecta : Orthoptera) et des Mantides (Insecte : Mantodea) de France. Patrimoines Naturels, 60 : 104 p.]
Braud J.(), 2014
Metropolitan France
Metropolitan France