Taxonomic repository (TaxRef)
Taxonomic repositories for flora and fauna of metropolitan France and overseas territories
Taxonomic repository (TaxRef)
Taxonomic repositories for flora and fauna of metropolitan France and overseas territories
Knowledge base
« Status »
Knowledge base of the status of species from metropolitan France and overseas territories.
Repository of protocols and methods (CAMPanule)
Repository of naturalistic data acquisition protocols, methods and techniques
National inventories
A national inventory of species is an organised process of data acquisition of species.
Species observation data
Species observation data are shared and disseminated within the SINP.
Habitats repository
Repository of habitats and vegetations in metropolitan France and overseas territories.
CarHab is a national cartographic modeling program for natural and semi-natural habitats in France.
Habitats observation data
Habitats observation data are shared and disseminated as part of the SINP.
Protected areas
National basis of the areas providing protection or management of natural heritage.
National basis of the Natura 2000 network.
Inventory of Natural Areas of Ecological, Fauna and Flora Interest (ZNIEFF).
TVB programme
Standardized geographic data from the Regional ecological-continuity plans
Geological heritage
National basis of the National Inventory of Natural Heritage program.
Red Lists
The Red Lists assess the risk of extinction of plant and animal species and the risk of collapse of ecosystems.
Community Reportings
on "Nature"
assessing the conservation status of species and habitats of community interest and assessing the status and trends of wild bird populations
National Action Plans
The national action plans define the conservation agenda for some endangered species.