Menthe pouliot, Menthe pouillot, Pouliot (Français)
Mentha pulegium L., 1753
Pulegium erectum Mill., 1768
Miller (1768)
[Description originale] Miller, P. 1768. The gardeners dictionary : containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery, as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture, including the management of vineyards, with the methods of making and preserving wine, according to the present practice of the most skilful vignerons in the several wine countries in Europe, together with directions for propagating and improving, from real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees, ed. 8. London, printed for the author. x pp.
Mentha pulegium L., 1753
Linnaeus (1753)
[Description originale] Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Holmiæ. (L. Salvii). Tomus II: 561-1200. []
Fournet (2002)
[Statut pour la Martinique] Fournet, J. 2002. Flore illustrée des phanérogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée. CIRAD, Montpellier - Gondwana Editions, La Trinité. 2538 pp.
Fournet (2002)
[Statut pour Saint-Barthélemy] Fournet, J. 2002. Flore illustrée des phanérogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée. CIRAD, Montpellier - Gondwana Editions, La Trinité. 2538 pp.
Fournet (2002)
[Statut pour la Guadeloupe] Fournet, J. 2002. Flore illustrée des phanérogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée. CIRAD, Montpellier - Gondwana Editions, La Trinité. 2538 pp.
MacKee (1994)
[Statut pour la Nouvelle-Calédonie] Mackee, H. S. 1994. Catalogue des plantes introduites et cultivées en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Deuxième édition. Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie et Dépendances. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Hors-série: 164 pp.
Jolinon (1987)
[Statut pour les îles subantarctiques] Jolinon, J.C. 1987. Les Phanérogames adventices sur l’Ile Amsterdam. Comité National Français pour les Recherches Antarctiques, 58: 183–188.
Mentha aromatica Salisb., 1796 [nom. illeg. superfl.]
Salisbury (1796)
[Nom de remplacement] Salisbury, R.A. 1796. Prodromus Stirpium in horto ad Chapel Allerton vingentium. Londini. 422 pp.
Pulegium vulgare Mill., 1768
Miller (1768)
[Nom de remplacement] Miller, P. 1768. The gardeners dictionary : containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery, as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture, including the management of vineyards, with the methods of making and preserving wine, according to the present practice of the most skilful vignerons in the several wine countries in Europe, together with directions for propagating and improving, from real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees, ed. 8. London, printed for the author. x pp.
Pulegium aromaticum Gray, 1822 [nom. illeg. superfl.]
Gray (1821)
[Nom de remplacement] Gray, S.F. 1821. A natural arrangement of British plants : according to their relations to each other as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, &c., vol. II. London, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. 760 pp.
Mentha pulegium var. exigua (L.) Nyman, 1881
Nyman (1882)
[Source de la nouvelle combinaison] Nyman, C.F. 1878-1882. Conspectus florae europaeae, seu Enumeratio methodica plantarum phanerogamarum Europae indigenarum, indicatio distributionis geographicae singularum etc. Örebro Sueciae : typis officinae Bohlinianae. 858 pp.
Mentha pulegium var. villosa Benth., 1848
Candolle (1848)
[Description originale] Candolle, A.P. de 1848. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, pars duodecima. Parisiis, Sumptibus Victoris Masson. 712 pp.
Mentha pulegioides Dumort., 1827
Dumortier (1827)
[Description originale] Dumortier, B.-C. 1827. Florula belgica operis majoris Prodromus. Tornaci nerviorum, typis J. Casterman. 171 pp.
Mentha pulegium subsp. tomentosa (Sm.) Nyman, 1881
Nyman (1882)
[Source de la nouvelle combinaison] Nyman, C.F. 1878-1882. Conspectus florae europaeae, seu Enumeratio methodica plantarum phanerogamarum Europae indigenarum, indicatio distributionis geographicae singularum etc. Örebro Sueciae : typis officinae Bohlinianae. 858 pp.
Pulegium benearnense Gand., 1884
Gandoger (1884)
[Description originale] Gandoger, M. 1884. Herborisations dans les Pyrénées. Paris, F. Savy, libraire, 77, boulevard St-Germain. 74 pp.
Pulegium vasconicum Gand., 1884
Gandoger (1884)
[Description originale] Gandoger, M. 1884. Herborisations dans les Pyrénées. Paris, F. Savy, libraire, 77, boulevard St-Germain. 74 pp.
Mentha pulegium var. gibraltarica (Willd.) Batt., 1890
Battandier & Trabut (1890)
[Source de la nouvelle combinaison] Battandier, J.A. & Trabut, L. 1890. Flore de l'Algérie. Ancienne "Flore d'Alger" transformée, contenant la description de toutes les plantes signalées jusqu'à ce jour comme spontanées en Algérie. Alger, typographie A. Jourdan ; Paris, librairie F. Savy. 825 pp.