Taxon introduced (established or possibly established) in the geographical area under consideration. Introduced means: taxon whose presence in the geographical area under consideration is due to human intervention, intentional or not, or taxon that arrived in the area without human intervention but from an area in which it is introduced. Established (term for fauna, = naturalized for flora) means: introduced taxon that forms viable (reproducing) and sustainable populations that maintain themselves in the natural environment without the need for human intervention. All taxa categorized as
France métropolitaine
Taxon introduced (established or possibly established) in the geographical area under consideration. Introduced means: taxon whose presence in the geographical area under consideration is due to human intervention, intentional or not, or taxon that arrived in the area without human intervention but from an area in which it is introduced. Established (term for fauna, = naturalized for flora) means: introduced taxon that forms viable (reproducing) and sustainable populations that maintain themselves in the natural environment without the need for human intervention. All taxa categorized as
Liste rouge de la flore vasculaire de France métropolitaine (2019) (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb.)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Inventaire de la flore vasculaire (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes) de la Picardie. Raretés, protections, menaces et statuts (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb.)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
La Liste rouge de la Flore vasculaire menacée en Alsace (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb., 1784)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Liste rouge des plantes vasculaires de la région Centre (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb., 1784)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Liste rouge de la Flore vasculaire de Haute-Normandie (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb.)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Liste rouge de la flore de Bourgogne (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb., 1784)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Inventaire de la flore vasculaire du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes) : raretés, protections, menaces et statuts (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb.)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Liste rouge régionale de la flore vasculaire de Lorraine (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb., 1784)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Liste rouge de la Flore vasculaire de Poitou-Charentes (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb., 1784)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en Hauts-de-France - Flore vasculaire et Bryophytes (listé Rosa rugosa Thunb., 1784)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)