Taxon non présent dans la zone géographique considérée
An introduced taxon that can occasionally reproduce outside its area of cultivation or captivity, but that cannot maintain itself in the wild because it cannot form viable populations without human intervention, and therefore depends on repeated introductions to maintain itself in the wild. This status includes all taxa categorized as casual alien, subspontaneous, or escaped from cultivation or captivity. This status includes taxa that are strictly domesticated (fauna) or only cultivated (flora).
introduced not established of which cultivated / domestic
Taxon non présent dans la zone géographique considérée
Taxon non présent dans la zone géographique considérée
France métropolitaine
An introduced taxon that can occasionally reproduce outside its area of cultivation or captivity, but that cannot maintain itself in the wild because it cannot form viable populations without human intervention, and therefore depends on repeated introductions to maintain itself in the wild. This status includes all taxa categorized as casual alien, subspontaneous, or escaped from cultivation or captivity. This status includes taxa that are strictly domesticated (fauna) or only cultivated (flora).
introduced not established of which cultivated / domestic
Liste rouge de la flore vasculaire de Midi-Pyrénées (listé Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., 1794)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
Inventaire de la flore vasculaire du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes) : raretés, protections, menaces et statuts (listé Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam.)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)
La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en Hauts-de-France - Flore vasculaire et Bryophytes (listé Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., 1794)
Not applicable (species not subject to evaluation because (a) introduced recently or (b) occasionally present in mainland France)