Insectes et araignées



Cuivré écarlate (Le) (Français)

Lycaena hippothoe (Linnaeus, 1761)

Référentiel TaxRef

TaxRef V17.0

Bases de données sources

Fauna Europaea, scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Références bibliographiques

Papilio hippothoe Linnaeus, 1761

Linnaeus (1761)

[Description originale] Linnaeus, C. 1761. Fauna Svecica sistens animalia Sveciæ Regni: mammalia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes. Distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species, cum differentiis specierum, synonymis auctorum, nominibus incolarum, locis natalium, descriptionibus insectorum. Editio altera, auctior.. Stockholmiæ. (L. Salvii). 578 pp. []

Soulsby (1933)

[Date de publication] Soulsby, B. H. 1933. A catalogue of the works of Linnæus (and publications more immediately relating thereto) preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington). Second edition.. London. 1-246. []

Honey & Scoble (2001)

[Taxonomie] Honey, M. R. & Scoble, M. J. 2001. Linnaeus's butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 132(3): 277-399.

Zilli (2021)

[Date de publication] Zilli, A. 2021. On the date of publication of Linnaeus’ second edition of “Fauna Svecica”. Nota lepidopterologica, 44: 69-71.

Papilio chryseis Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775

[Denis & Schiffermüller] (1775)

[Description originale] [Denis, J. N. C. M. & Schiffermüller, I.] 1775. Ankündung eines systematischen Werkes von den Schmetterlingen der Wienergegend, herausgegeben von einigen Lehrern am k. k. Theresianum.. Vienne. 322 pp. []

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