Crabes, crevettes, cloportes et mille-pattes



Géophile d'Eason (Français)

Geophilus easoni Arthur, Foddai, Kettle, Lewis, Luczinsky & Minelli, 2001

Référentiel TaxRef

TaxRef V17.0

Bases de données sources

Fauna Europaea, scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals
Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Références bibliographiques

Geophilus easoni Arthur, Foddai, Kettle, Lewis, Luczinsky & Minelli, 2001

Geoffroy & Iorio (2009)

[Statut pour la France métropolitaine] Geoffroy, J.-J. & Iorio, E. 2009. The French centipede fauna (Chilopoda): updated checklist and distribution in mainland France, Corsica and Monaco. Soil Organisms, 81(3): 671-694.

Arthur et al. (2001)

[Description originale] Arthur, W., Foddai, D., Kettle, C., Lewis, J. G. E., Luczynski, M. & Minelli, A. 2001. Analysis of segment number and enzyme variation in a centipede reveals a cryptic species, Geophilus easoni sp. nov., and rises questions about speciation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 74: 489-499.

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