To get the picture, please visit:
Louis Laisné
email :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : J. LAIGNEL |
To get the picture, please visit:
Julien Laignel
Chargé de mission SNB - SPN/MNHN
4, avenue du Petit Château
91800 BRUNOY
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : O. Roquinarc'h |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,
Service du Patrimoine Naturel,
4 Avenue du Petit Château,
91800 BRUNOY
mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : F. Jiguet |
To get the picture, please visit:
Frédéric Jiguet
email :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : P. Gourdain |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 41
75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05
e-mail :
Legend: Bransles
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : P. Gourdain |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 41
75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05
e-mail :
Legend: Ouessant
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
To get the picture, please visit:
Wroza Stanislas<br>Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - PatriNat<br>36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CP 41<br>75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05<br>e-mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
To get the picture, please visit:
Wroza Stanislas<br>Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - PatriNat<br>36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CP 41<br>75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05<br>e-mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
To get the picture, please visit:
Wroza Stanislas<br>Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - PatriNat<br>36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CP 41<br>75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05<br>e-mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
To get the picture, please visit:
Wroza Stanislas<br>Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - PatriNat<br>36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CP 41<br>75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05<br>e-mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : S. Wroza |
To get the picture, please visit:
Wroza Stanislas<br>Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - PatriNat<br>36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CP 41<br>75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05<br>e-mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : A. Lacoeuilhe |
To get the picture, please visit:
Aurélie Lacoeuilhe
Legend: Mâle
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : J. LAIGNEL |
To get the picture, please visit:
Julien Laignel
Chargé de mission SNB - SPN/MNHN
4, avenue du Petit Château
91800 BRUNOY
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Taille/poids :
Longueur 24 cm, envergure 38 cm, poids moyen 100 g.
Diagnose :
Le mâle est uniformément noir avec un bec et un cercle oculaire jaune orangé. La femelle est brune et tachetée (la Grive musicienne est également tachetée dessous, mais la couleur de fond de sa poitrine est beaucoup plus claire).
Détermination :
Les strophes du Merle noir commencent le plus souvent par des sons flûtés et mélodieux et se terminent par des gazouillis ou des grincements peu sonores. Le nid en coupe est reconnaissable à son revêtement intérieur composé de matières végétales fines, sur lequel sont pondus 3-5 œufs (parfois 6) gris verdâtre tachetés de brunâtre.
Période d'observation :
La période de chant commence souvent dès la fin de février en forêt ou à la campagne. Elle est plus précoce chez les merles des villes stimulés par les éclairages artificiels et que l'on peut entendre dès janvier.
Biologie-éthologie :
Le Merle noir est un oiseau forestier qui a su s'adapter aux parcs et jardins où il est devenu très commun y compris en milieu urbain. Il se nourrit en grande partie de vers de terre ainsi que d'autres invertébrés trouvés au sol, sur les pelouses ou en fouillant parfois bruyamment parmi les feuilles mortes du sous-bois. Il apprécie également les fruits sauvages ou ceux des jardins et vergers. Le chant appartient à la catégorie des émissions vocales complexes, variées et inventives.
Biogéographique et écologie :
L'espèce est migratrice partielle, le pourcentage de migrateurs variant fortement selon les régions et les habitats. De nombreux individus effectuent des déplacements limités sans quitter la France. Dans le sud, les effectifs hivernaux d'oiseaux locaux pour la plupart sédentaires sont renforcés par des oiseaux issus d'autres populations, notamment des migrateurs en provenance d'Europe du Nord ou de l'Est.
J. Comolet-Tirman(UMS 2006 Patrimoine Naturel (AFB / CNRS / MNHN)),2016
Metropolitan France
Metropolitan France
The map presents a summary at the 10 x 10 km grid of the observation data for the species transmitted to the SINP. These data have been subjected to validation filters.
The map presents a reference distribution layer of the species at the scale of departments and marine sectors. The presence and absence data were established by expertise within a network of partners. This reference distribution is used in the validation process of the SINP data at the INPN level.
Corresponds to a report on the basis of at least one observation proved within a period of 10 years (20 years for little-known invertebrates) preceding the year and no presumption of extinction since obtaining the last data nor doubt on reproductive and implemented nature of this population. For migratory species, the presence indicated concerns areas of reproduction.
This status is based on one or more of the following criteria:
This point covers the absence, more difficult by nature to demonstrate than presence. This status is based on one or more of the following criteria:
This status must be assigned to a department in which the presence of the species is casual.
Particular case of absence due to a proven extinction less than a half century ago (older disappearances are treated as "no probable or definite").
In the state of knowledge, we can not comment on the presence or absence in the current department. This is the default status when not comprised in one of the previous categories or whenever there is doubt.
The map shows the global distribution of the species based on GBIF data (Global Biodiversity Information Facility).