


Brown Jacamar (English)

Brachygalba lugubris (Swainson, 1838)

TaxRef repository

TaxRef V17.0

External links

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
The world bird database
BirdLife International
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Catalogue of Life

Bibliographical references

Brachygalba lugubris (Swainson, 1838)

Uicn et al. (2017)

[Statut pour la Guyane française] UICN Comité français, MNHN, GEPOG, Kwata, Biotope, Hydreco & OSL. 2017. La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France - Chapitre Faune de Guyane française. Paris, France. 35 pp.

Remsen et al. (2013)

[Statut pour la Guyane française] Remsen, J. V., Jr., Cadena, C. D., Jaramillo, A., Nores, M., Pacheco, J. F., Pérez-Emán, J., Robbins, M. B., Stiles, F. G., Stotz, D. F. & Zimmer, K. J. Version [2013]. A classification of the bird species of South America. American Ornithologists' Union. http://www.museum.lsu.edu/~Remsen/SACCBaseline.html.

Determination guides

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Descriptive sheets

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