Vacoi des montagnes, Pimpin, Petit pimpin, Vacoua marron (Français)
Pandanus montanus Bory
Pandanus montanus Bory
Véron et al. (2021)
[Statut pour la Réunion] Véron, S., Rodrigues-Vaz, C., Lebreton, E., Ah-Peng, C., Boullet, V., Chevillotte, H., Gradstein, S., Jérémie, J., Lavocat Bernard, E., Lebouvier, M., Meyer, J., Munzinger, J., Poncy, O., Thouvenot, L., Viscardi, G., Léotard, G., Gargominy, O., Leblond, S., Pignal, M., Rouhan, G., Tercerie, S., Invernon, V. & Muller, S. 2021. An assessment of the endemic spermatophytes, pteridophytes and bryophytes of the French Overseas Territories: towards a better conservation outlook. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 2097-2124. []
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