Plantes, mousses et fougères



Odontadenia kochii Pilg., 1910

TaxRef repository

External links

Tropicos, Missouri Botanical Garden
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Catalogue of Life
World Flora Online

Bibliographical references

Odontadenia kochii Pilg., 1910

Funk et al. (2007)

[Source de la synonymie] Funk, V., Hollowell, T., Berry, P., Kelloff, C. & Alexander, S. N. 2007. Checklist of the Plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, 55: 1-580.

Morales (1999)

[Statut pour la Guyane française] Morales, J. F. 1999. A synopsis of the genus Odontadenia. Series of revisions of Apocynaceae XLV. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, 67: 381-477.

Odontadenia sandwithiana Woodson, 1931

Morales (1999)

[Source de la synonymie] Morales, J. F. 1999. A synopsis of the genus Odontadenia. Series of revisions of Apocynaceae XLV. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, 67: 381-477.

Allorge-Boiteau (2015)

[Mauvaise application du nom] Allorge-Boiteau, L. 2015. Flora of the Guianas, 140. Apocynaceae. Site internet Ile Rouge. Consulté le 16/04/2017. http://www.ilerouge.org/documents/Flore%20des%20trois%20Guyanes.pdf

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