Scyracepon polynesiensis An, Zheng, Liang & Paulay, 2020
Scyracepon polynesiensis An, Zheng, Liang & Paulay, 2020
Zheng et al. (2020)
[Description originale] An, J., Zheng, W., Liang, J. & Paulay, G. 2020. Three new species of Scyracepon Tattersall, 1905 (Isopoda: Bopyridae) from Pacific islands, with comments on the rarity of bopyrids parasitizing brachyurans. Zootaxa, 4851(1): 151-162. []
Zheng et al. (2020)
[Statut pour la Polynésie française] An, J., Zheng, W., Liang, J. & Paulay, G. 2020. Three new species of Scyracepon Tattersall, 1905 (Isopoda: Bopyridae) from Pacific islands, with comments on the rarity of bopyrids parasitizing brachyurans. Zootaxa, 4851(1): 151-162. []
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