Since 2010, the INPN has been the subject of many press releases, newspaper articles and interviews.
Red list of threatened species in France. Vascular flora of Réunion
Red list of threatened species in France. Spiders of Metropolitan France
182 854 Species identified in France in 2018
6th edition of the Tour de France Biodiversity (2018)
Red List of Ephemera in Metropolitan France - press releases
Creation of a center of expertise and data on nature
The Tour de France for biodiversity 2017
Liste rouge des mammifères de France métropolitaine - Press releases
Liste rouge de la Faune vertébrée de Guyane - Press releases
Le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle recense 182 498 espèces
Red List of endangered species in France - Libellules de métropole
Red List of endangered species in France - Oiseaux de métropole
Tour de France of biodiversity 2016
" INPN ESPECES ": an app for discovering biodiversity around you !
Ségolène Royal fait voter l'Open Data pour la biodiversité et l'énergie
Tour de France of biodiversity 2015
The National Museum of Natural History lists: 160 612 species in France
Red List of endangered species in France - Flore endémique et oiseaux de Polynésie française
Red List of endangered species in France - Reptiles and Amphibians in Metropolitan France
Red List of endangered species in France - Vertebrates French Southern and Antarctic Territories
Tour de France of biodiversity 2014
1530576 registered species in France
Red List of endangered species in France - of vascular plants of Mayotte
Participatory Science at the Museum Being Engaged with the Nature!
Tour de France of biodiversity 2013
Red List of endangered species in France - Sharks, rays and chimaeras in continental France
The National Inventory of the Natural Heritage (INPN) celebrates his 10 years !
Go to a Tour de France with the National Museum of Natural History
Red List of butterflies in continental France
Red List of endangered species in France - freshwater shellfish in continental France
Red List of endangered species in France - First results of Reunion's fauna
Red List of endangered species in France - Vascular plants of Réunion
Red List of endangered species in France - Freshwater Fish in Metropolitan France
Red List of endangered species in France - Orchids in Metropolitan France
Red List of endangered species in France - Mammals in Metropolitan France