As a national information referencing system on biodiversity and geodiversity, the INPN is obliged to expand its communication strategy to include horticulture professionals, public and private policy-makers, and the general public. This strategy is built around creating informative brochures, advertising, organizing exhibitions and scientific events, and involving the general public in the action towards the conservation and management of nature.
La biodiversité en France - À la rencontre des Mammifères (2022) (french)
La biodiversité en France - À la rencontre des Reptiles (2022) (french)
La biodiversité en France - À la rencontre des Amphibiens (2022) (french)
Biodiversity in France - 100 figures about species explained (2021) (english)
La biodiversité en France - 100 chiffres expliqués sur les espèces (2021) (french)
Biodiversity in France - 100 figures explained on species (2020)
Biodiversity in France - 100 figures explained on species (2019)
Biodiversity in France - 100 figures explained on species (2018) (french)
Pamphlet for the "INPN Espèces" application 2022
Pamphlet for the "INPN Espèces" application 2020
Pamphlet for the "INPN Espèces" application 2019
Pamphlet for the "INPN Espèces" application
INPN Pamphlet for the general public (French version)
INPN Pamphlet for the general public (English version)
Brochure on the atlas of carnivores and primates of France
Valuation of marine habitat data in SINP (in french) NOUVEAU
Overview of Biodiversity and Protected Areas 2020
Overview of Biodiversity and Protected Areas
National Inventory of Natural Heritage (INPN) - an information system
Assess, conserve and restore biodiversity of MNHN scientific partnerships and companies
Assess the conservation status of habitats across a Natura 2000 site: a range of methods
Monitoring of invasive species in France: involvement of citizen science
France's knowledge base for marine biodiversity conservation (IMPAC 3)
A new marine habitat classification system for french conservation programs (IMPAC 3)
ZNIEFF in the marine environment (IMPAC 3)
ZNIEFF - Validation steps and GIS checks
Atlas of Ungulates and Lagomorphs in Metropolitan France and Overseas
National Inventory of Saproxylic Coleoptera
National Inventory of Decapod Crustaceans in Metropolitan France
National Inventory of Formicidae in Metropolitan France
National Inventory of Rhopalocera and Zygaenidae in Metropolitan France
National Inventory of continental mollusc in Metropolitan France (white version)
National Inventory of continental mollusc in Metropolitan France (black version)