Author : J. Touroult |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 41
75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05
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Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : H.Bouyon |
To get the picture, please visit:
Bouyon Hervé
Any reuse of one or more photographs on this site is subject to an authorization request from the author.
Link to the Code of Intellectual Property (Legifrance)
Author : J. Touroult |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 41
75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05
e-mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : B. Calmont |
To get the picture, please visit:
Benjamin Calmont
email :
Legend: Larve
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : B. Calmont |
To get the picture, please visit:
Benjamin Calmont
email :
Legend: Nymphe
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : J. Touroult |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 41
75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05
e-mail :
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : J. Touroult |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 41
75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05
e-mail :
Legend: Rieussec
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : J. Touroult |
To get the picture, please visit:
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 41
75 231 PARIS CEDEX 05
e-mail :
Legend: Loiret
Despite the Creative Commons license, please inform the author of the use which will be made of his photo
Author : anonyme 27419 |
To get the picture, please visit:
anonyme 27419
Observation partagée via l'application INPN Espèces
Any reuse of one or more photographs on this site is subject to an authorization request from the author.
Link to the Code of Intellectual Property (Legifrance)
Taille : 5-15 mm
Diagnose :
Les Clytes sont de petits longicornes à livrée rayée et antennes plutôt courtes. Clytus arietis fait parti des Clytes rayés de jaune. Il se reconnaît à la couleur de ses antennes : premiers articles jaunes, puis articles V à XI bruns ou noirs et également à ses élytres mats, avec la bande jaune transverse de la base des élytres qui est complètement horizontale.
Détermination : moyennement difficile, possible sur photo
Espèces proches :
Peut être confondu avec les Clytes à rayures jaunes : les Xylotrechus (front caréné; avant du pronotum avec deux points jaunes latéraux, sans bande continue jaune); les Clytus lama et C. rhamni (antennes unicolores, brun-jaune);
Période d'observation : Essentiellement au printemps (pic en mai) mais qu'on peut observer jusqu'en août.
Biologie-éthologie :
La larve est saproxylophage; très polyphage elle consomme le bois mort de la majorité des arbres et arbustes feuillus de métropole. L'adulte s'observe sur les tas de bois, les grumes où il court au soleil et aussi sur les fleurs.
Biogéographie et écologie :
Large répartition en Europe tempérée. Commun dans toutes les zones arborées, y compris dans les zones urbaines, jardins, parcs et les bocages.
J. Touroult(UMS 2006 Patrimoine Naturel (AFB / CNRS / MNHN)),2017
Metropolitan France
Metropolitan France
The map presents a summary at the 10 x 10 km grid of the observation data for the species transmitted to the SINP. These data have been subjected to validation filters.
The map presents a reference distribution layer of the species at the scale of departments and marine sectors. The presence and absence data were established by expertise within a network of partners. This reference distribution is used in the validation process of the SINP data at the INPN level.
Corresponds to a report on the basis of at least one observation proved within a period of 10 years (20 years for little-known invertebrates) preceding the year and no presumption of extinction since obtaining the last data nor doubt on reproductive and implemented nature of this population. For migratory species, the presence indicated concerns areas of reproduction.
This status is based on one or more of the following criteria:
This point covers the absence, more difficult by nature to demonstrate than presence. This status is based on one or more of the following criteria:
This status must be assigned to a department in which the presence of the species is casual.
Particular case of absence due to a proven extinction less than a half century ago (older disappearances are treated as "no probable or definite").
In the state of knowledge, we can not comment on the presence or absence in the current department. This is the default status when not comprised in one of the previous categories or whenever there is doubt.
The map shows the global distribution of the species based on GBIF data (Global Biodiversity Information Facility).