Data, repositories & tools on natural heritage


  • Data search

    Search for data released by natural heritage programs

  • Synthesis data
    on species

    Grand Barachois Bébé Phoque Veau-marin  © Arnaud Horellou / INPN

    Consult synthetic information on species

  • Synthesis data
    on areas

    Parc national de Port-Cros © Cécile Petit

    Consult synthetic information on protected areas and natural spaces


  • Taxonomic repository (TaxRef)

    Logo TaxRef © INPN

    Download the taxonomic repository on species of Metropolitan France and overseas

  • Knowledge base
    « Status »

    Elona quimperiana © INPN - O. Gargominy

    Download the knowledge base on the status of species in metropolitan and overseas France

  • Habitats repository

    Logo HabRef © INPN

    Download the repository of habitats and vegetation in metropolitan and overseas France

  • Repository of organizations

    Prairies et logos organismes © Pixabay

    Download the repository of structures participating in the Biodiversity Information System (SIB)

  • Repository of sensitivity

    Zamenis longissimus © F. Serre-Collet

    Access to the repository on sensitive data, special case of restriction of distribution


  • Geographical informations

    Download the national GIS layers of reference of natural spaces and reference frames

  • Data exchange standards

    Grand-duc d'Europe Bubo bubo (Linnaeus, 1758) © P. Gourdain / INPN

    Download the reference documents for exchanging data and metadata within the Natural Heritage Inventory Information System (SINP)