FR4100163 - Pelouses du Toulois

"Habitats, fauna, flora" directive site

Reference database: Décembre 2023

Annual update of the list SCI - publication in the OJ EU : 02/02/2024 (from the database: 02/02/2024).

Species referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation for them

Mammals listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1303 - Rhinolophus hipposideros  (2 - 2 Individus)
1303 - Rhinolophus hipposideros  (1 - 1 Individus)
1304 - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum  (15 - 15 Individus)
1304 - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum  (8 - 8 Individus)
1308 - Barbastella barbastellus  (1 - 1 Individus)
1321 - Myotis emarginatus  (1 - 1 Individus)
1324 - Myotis myotis  (4 - 4 Individus)
1324 - Myotis myotis  (2 - 2 Individus)

Amphibians listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1166 - Triturus cristatus  (5 - 20 Individus)

Invertebrate listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

6199 - Euplagia quadripunctaria  (1 - 1 Individus)

Plants listed in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC directive of the Council

1902 - Cypripedium calceolus  (20 - 20 Individus)
Other important species of fauna and flora


Rana temporaria


Dryocopus martius  (1 Couples)
Lanius collurio
Lullula arborea  (2 - 2 Couples)


Lopinga achine  (30 Individus)
Maculinea arion  (1 - 1 Individus)


Myotis daubentonii  (1 - 5 Individus)
Myotis mystacinus  (1 - 5 Individus)
Myotis nattereri  (1 - 5 Individus)
Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (1 - 5 Individus)
Plecotus auritus  (1 - 5 Individus)


Anemone sylvestris  (400 Individus)
Aster amellus  (1,000 Individus)
Crepis praemorsa  (40 Individus)
Fumana procumbens  (50 Individus)
Gentiana cruciata  (4 Individus)
Geranium sanguineum  (1 Individus)
Orobanche alsatica
Scabiosa columbaria
Thalictrum minus subsp. saxatile  (50 Individus)


Coronella austriaca
Lacerta agilis
Podarcis muralis
Vipera aspis