Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Malac


F. Martorell donated his malacological collection in 1882. This date can be considered as the beginning of the formation of the Museum. Since this date, the malacological collection has been increased with the contribution of the malacologists: A. Bofill, J.B. Aguilar-Amat, L. Gasull, B. Serradell, M. Chía, J. Rosals. An aspect peculiar of the collection is represented by samples collected in subterranean environments. 


Type Organization Role
Contact principal Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona non renseigné

Framework objective

 Multiple ou autres 


Start End
06/06/2024 non renseigné

Taxonomic target of the framework

 No information 

Framework territory

 No information 

List of species from the dataset