Danish Mycological Society, fungal records database


 Database containing observations of fungi and Mycetozoa mainly from Denmark. New observations are continuously added through the registration portal http://svampe.databasen.org, which was developed as part of the "Danmarks Svampeatlas" project. The project is a collaboration between the Natural History Museum of Denmark and Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, the Danish Mycological Society and MycoKey. The project received generous financial support from Aage V. Jensen Naturfond. The aim of Svampeatlas is to compile all Basidiomycota from Denmark and to increase the knowledge of fungal distribution and ecology in Denmark, by making this information publicly available. 
With more than 400 active users contributing to the project, there has been more than 325.000 finds with a total of about 2.500 species of Basidiomycota. In addition a similar number of older finds has been imported from various published sources, persona and project databases. 


Type Organisme Rôle
Contact principal Natural History Museum of Denmark non renseigné

Objectif du cadre

 Multiple ou autres 


Lancement Clôture
22/04/2024 non renseigné

Cible taxonomique du cadre

 Non renseigné 

Territoire(s) concernés par le cadre

 Non renseigné 

Liste des jeux de données concernés