Iberian Odonata distribution: data of the BOS Arthropod Collection (Univ. Oviedo, Spain)


 Odonata specimens kept in the Arthropod Collection BOS of University of Oviedo (subcollection code BOS-Odo), provides a good geographical and taxonomic representation of Odonata in the Iberian Peninsula (98.63% of records), the northern half being specially well-represented, and BOS is the largest dragonfly collection from this area. On-line database includes records of 16604 specimens (off-line database with all determinations comprises 17846 items). Iberian Odonata records available through GBIF from other datasets total only 2700 records, whereas dragonfly records from Spain (1784-2009) are estimated in about 12000 records. These facts highlight the importance of this dataset.
Regarding taxonomic coverage of BOS Arthropod Collection, Coenagrionidae and Calopterygidae, --with ~ 21% of the Odonata specimens each one-- are the most abundant families, followed by Libellulidae and Gomphidae. The BOS Arthropod Collection contains specimens of 71 Odonata species out of the 79 known from the Iberian Peninsula (90%), including the holotypes and some paratypes of the Iberian subspecies Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis asturica Ocharan, 1983 and Sympetrum vulgatum ibericum Ocharan, 1985. All specimens have been reviewed for taxonomic identification and names updated. Specimens in dataset expand from 1950 to present, being the 1980’ and 2000’ the best-represented decades. Dataset is also provided in DarwinCore Archive format. 


Type Organisme Rôle
Contact principal Universidad de Oviedo non renseigné

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 Multiple ou autres 


Lancement Clôture
30/11/2018 non renseigné

Cible taxonomique du cadre

 Non renseigné 

Territoire(s) concernés par le cadre

 Non renseigné 

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