Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Art


 The Arthropod Collection is the most numerous and diverse of all the Museum’s collections and houses over half the total number of its specimens. The exact number of specimens is difficult to estimate but lies somewhere in the range 1,750,000–1,900,000. Most of the orders of all the different subphylums (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Uniramia) that constitute the Arthropoda are represented, although the Hexapoda are the best represented group given the high number of insect specimens.

The collections of Artur Martorell and Daniel Müller were the first to be incorporated into the Museu Martorell in 1901 and 1903, respectively, and as such are highly important in terms of the Museum’s history and heritage. However, their scientific value is somewhat diminished by the lack of data associated with the specimens. In 1916, Ascensi Codina deposited in the Museum the first rigorously scientific collection, which included an important number of tiger beetles (Cicindellidae: Coleoptera) from all over the world. Many other important collections followed.
Many important collections have followed on from these first donations, such as R. Zariquiey, L. Navàs or I. de Sagarra but an special mention should be made of the collection based on the work of the scientist Dr. Francesc Español, curator and director of the MZB (from the 1930s to the 1990s). His legacy is of great scientific interest and includes a large number of new taxa, most still currently valid, and new geographical distribution records. His training of a generation of young entomologists has borne its fruit as his disciples are continuing with his entomological research. This has led to the creation of a very dynamic collection that year after year receives a large number of queries, as well as much new material deposited by Museum collaborators who thus ensure that the Museum’s arthropod collection continues to grow. 


Type Organization Role
Contact principal Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona non renseigné

Framework objective

 Multiple ou autres 


Start End
28/05/2024 non renseigné

Taxonomic target of the framework

 No information 

Framework territory

 No information 

List of species from the dataset