Solomon’s Gold Mine: Description or redescription of 24 species of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) freshwater shrimps from the Solomon Islands, including 11 new species


 This dataset contains the digitized treatments in Plazi based on the original journal article Mazancourt, Valentin de, Boseto, David, Marquet, Gerard, Keith, Philippe (2020): Solomon’s Gold Mine: Description or redescription of 24 species of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) freshwater shrimps from the Solomon Islands, including 11 new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 696: 1-86, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.696 


Type Organisme Rôle
Contact principal non renseigné

Objectif du cadre

 Multiple ou autres 


Lancement Clôture
04/08/2020 non renseigné

Cible taxonomique du cadre

 Non renseigné 

Territoire(s) concernés par le cadre

 Non renseigné 

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