Cetacean coordinated transborder monitoring using ferries as platforms of observation off Tunisia 2013-2014 - Atutax


 Original provider:
Italo-Tunisian Cetacean Research Project

Dataset credits:
Atutax, Ketos, ISPRA, ACCOBAMS

Within the framework of the ACCOBAMS agreement a partnership of Italian and Tunisian research bodies is investigating the presence of cetacean, and the relationship with maritime traffic, within the region comprise among Tunisia-Sicily-Sardinia considered a critical habitat for cetacean species. To be able to systematically investigate the region, especially in high sea areas and all year round, ferries are used as platform of observations. Floating marine litter is experimentally investigated

Supplemental information:
[2015-10-16] 24 new sightings from 2013-09-28 to 2015-05-17 were added.

The original data provided by ITUCRE include data owned by Atutax and Ketos, which is indicated in the data_owner column. Upon provider's request, the data are split into two datasets based on the ownership and this dataset includes those owned by Atutax.

Twenty unidentified sightings were removed from the original data upon provider's request.

A few sightings observed D.delphis and S.coeruleoalba together. Such sightings are split into two records, one for each species. The notes column mentions this processing. 


Type Organisme Rôle
Contact principal Atutax non renseigné

Objectif du cadre

 Multiple ou autres 


Lancement Clôture
24/04/2021 non renseigné

Cible taxonomique du cadre

 Non renseigné 

Territoire(s) concernés par le cadre

 Non renseigné 

Liste des jeux de données concernés