New records for crown wasps in Europe (Hymenoptera, Stephanidae)


 New occurrence records for two species of Hymenoptera Stephanidae are provided from several states of Europe. Stephanus serrator (Fabricius, 1798) is recorded for the first time for Portugal and with precise locality for Switzerland. Moreover, it is recorded for the first time in the following regions: Navarre (Spain), Wallonia (Belgium), Hesse, Berlin and Bavaria (Germany), Aosta Valley, Lombardy, Veneto, Abruzzo, Campania and Calabria (Italy), and Attica (Greece). Megischus anomalipes (Foerster, 1855) is recorded for the first time in mainland Portugal and Campania (Italy). 


Type Organization Role
Contact principal Natural History Museum, University of Florence non renseigné

Framework objective

 Multiple ou autres 


Start End
12/01/2022 non renseigné

Taxonomic target of the framework

 No information 

Framework territory

 No information 

List of species from the dataset