These data proceed from BANDASCA, a database which compiles all the available information from literature, museum and private collections, doctoral thesis, as well as other unpublished data available for the entire Iberian Peninsula (see structure in Lobo and Martín-Piera 1991). At present, it contains the information of 96 981 individuals of the 53 Iberian Scarabaeinae species. A database-record was defined as a pool of specimens of a single species with identical database field values (locality, UTM coordinates, altitude, date of capture (day/month/year), type of habitat and food resource; among others) regardless of the number of specimens; so any difference in any database field value gave rise to a new database-record.
Note: this dataset was previously orphaned. It has been rescued by ① extracting it from the index (see GBIF Download in External Data) and ② republishing it on this IPT data hosting centre as version 1.0.
Link GBIF portal : Le jeu de données diffusé est issu d'un traitement automatique appliqué sur les données issues du GBIF. Les règles de l'INPN et plus globalement du SINP (en termes de périmètre et de contrôle sur les données) peuvent impliquer que l'ensemble des données du jeu source ne soit pas restitué dans le SINP. The disseminated dataset stems from an automatic treatment applied to data coming from GBIF. INPN rules, and more generally SINP rules (in terms of perimeter and data quality controls) may imply that the whole of the source dataset might not be provided on the SINP platform.
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Type | Organisme | Nom |
Producteur | GBIF Spain | CEZÓN Katia |
Fournisseur | Spanish National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC) | |
Fournisseur | GBIF Spain | CEZÓN Katia |
Premiere diffusion : 26/09/2019
Dernière mise à jour : 30/11/2023
Nom scientifique | CD_NOM | Règne | Classe | Ordre | Famille | Date première observation | Date dernière observation | Fiche |
1 données
1 espèces
1 taxons