Description :
The MSB Division of Mammals contains over 250,000 catalogued specimens and is among the five largest in the world. Specimens date back to the 1890's with the majority documenting the rapid environmental change that has occurred since 1950. The collection contains 16 holotypes, 6 paratypes, 1 syntype, 93 symbiotypes. Important collections integrated into the MSB include the USGS Biological Surveys collection (26,000), the UIMNH (Hoffmeister) Collection (33,000), and the Rausch Collection (4,000 specimens and parasites). Specimens range from traditional skin/skull and fluid vouchers to "holistic vouchers" containing skin, skull, post-cranial skeleton, up to seven tissue types (heart, kidney, liver, lung, spleen, muscle, blood), cell suspensions, and ecto and endo parasites. Additionally, frozen tissue samples are available for about 130,000 individual mammals and date back to the late 1970's. Serology data associated with hantavirus surveillance programs in the Americas are associated with 37,000 specimens. The MSB houses an extensive archive of field journals and catalogues that date to the 1900's and are associated with specimens held in the collection. The collections are growing rapidly through the active research programs of curators, staff, and students, and through ongoing collaborations with other institutions and governmental agencies.
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