Terrestrial and liminic invertebrates systematic collection NTNU University Museum

Description :

 The terrestrial and liminic invertebrates systematic collection at the NTNU University Museum dates back to activities initiated by Bishop Johan Ernst Gunnerus in the 1760's and objects from a private collection of coleoptera (Lysholms samling) from around 1880-1939. The bulk of the collection dates from the 1960's and up to today.

Todays collection covers most of the major groups of invertebrates with lepidoptera, coleoptera, diptera and hymenoptera as the largest parts of the collections (approximately 40 %, 20 %, 10 % and 7 % respectively in 2017). The most active part of the collection today is the diptera collection. Some groups are overrepresented compared to others. This reflects the taxonomic expertise among the staff since the first regular employee in the 1840's and donations of private collections.

The geographic coverage of the objects in this collection is mainly Norwegian mainland and Svalbard. In addition the collection includes objects from all other continents except the Antarctica. Within mainland Norway the majority of objects collected origins from central parts of Norway. Examples from other parts of the world are chironomids from America, Africa, Europe and Asia, a historic circumpolar collection of coleopteran, lepidoptera from Malawi and terrestrial molluscs from Madeira, Cuba and some other countries.

Link GBIF portal : https://www.gbif.org/dataset/1bec5de3-758c-4ed2-ab13-1597601ad07a
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 The disseminated dataset stems from an automatic treatment applied to data coming from GBIF. INPN rules, and more generally SINP rules (in terms of perimeter and data quality controls) may imply that the whole of the source dataset might not be provided on the SINP platform. 


 Non renseigné 




 Non renseigné 

Emprise géographique


Type Organisme Nom
Fournisseur HÅRSAKER Karstein
Producteur NTNU University Museum EKREM
Producteur NTNU University Museum HÅRSAKER

Dates publication :

Premiere diffusion : 26/09/2019 
Dernière mise à jour : 30/11/2023  

Liste des espèces répertoriées :

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Nom scientifique CD_NOM Règne Classe Ordre Famille Date première observation Date dernière observation Fiche

Chiffres clés :

 10 données 
 6 espèces 
 6 taxons 

Répartition des données par groupes taxonomiques :

Groupes vernaculaires de premier ordre
Groupes vernaculaires de second ordre

Répartition temporelle: