UMNH Birds Collection (Arctos)
Description :
The ornithology collection includes nearly 20,000 specimen records, and is one of the largest in the Intermountain West. Records from the egg collection date back to the 1870s provide some of the earliest information on breeding habits of birds from the Intermountain region. Research of adjunct curators Jack Broughton (Anthropology) and Dale Clayton (Biology) have added several hundered specimens, including a growing collection of bird skeletons.
Link GBIF portal :
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Geographic extent
No information
Type |
Organization |
Name |
Fournisseur |
Natural History Museum of Utah |
Producteur |
Natural History Museum of Utah |
Publication dates :
First diffusion : 09/04/2021
Last update : 30/11/2023
Species list found :
No information
Chiffres clés :
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No information
No information
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