Description :
The database lists 448 specimens belonging to 16 species of genus Harpactus Shuckard, 1837 having their depository at the entomological collections of the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum in Leiden (The Netherlands) and the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid (Spain). Harpactus, predominantly Holarctic genus with 73 recently valid species displays both great diversity and abundance in arid regions and includes many “problem“ species which are ill defined as a separate species and/or have never been recognized after appearing of their first descriptions. Those circumstances bring the attention the researchers to put whole members of the genus under revision. Such as revision, formally started in 2005 with the exploration over the Harpactus materials in the Zoologisches Museum an der Humboldt-Universitat in Berlin (Germany) already results in some particular outputs one of which is the present database. Included species in the data base are these which are morphologically recognized as a valid species without any doubt.
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