The Entomological collection of the National Museum of Natural History and Science, of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, comprises over 33 000 accessions, corresponding to about 66 000 specimens. The collection was restarted in the 1980s, after a fire destroyed most of the museum’s zoological collections in 1978. The destruction of the collection registries during the fire has made impossible to know exactly what was lost.
The collection is currently composed mainly of donations from other institutions and private collectors. The most important of which is the Mendoça collection, comprising over 13 000 specimens. This donation contributed significantly to enhance the representation of the Portuguese entomofauna. In addition, from 1997 to 2003, several campaigns through the Portuguese territory were undertaken by the museum to increase the collection and its representation (ca. 11 000 accessions).
The collection remains in constant growth (ca. 6% in 2013), as a substantial number of specimens are still on the process of preparation and cataloguing. In the last years the catalogue has been under digitization, data review, enrichment and validation. It is now completely digitized and over 90% (more than 30 000 accessions) have been validated.
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Project :
Title : Natural history collection data management and integration at the National Museum of Natural History and Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Abstract :
Funding : Post-doctoral fellowship awarded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Technologia (Portugal), with the reference number SFRH/BPD/84478/2012
Contact : Lopes Luis Filipe (EDITOR)
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National Museum of Natural History and Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal
LOPES Luis Filipe
National Museum of Natural History and Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal
LOPES Luis Filipe
Publication dates :
First diffusion : 09/04/2021
Last update : 30/11/2023
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