Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Art

Description :

 The Arthropods collection is the Museum’s largest and most diverse collection as it contains more than half the total number of specimens held in the Museum collections overall. It is difficult to estimate the exact number of specimens but it is somewhere between 1,750,000 and 1,900,000.

The Artur Martorell and Daniel Müller collections were the first to be accessioned into the Martorell Museum in 1901 and 1903, respectively. Their historical and heritage value is therefore considerable, although they are of little scientific value because of the limited data available on their harvesting. The first scientifically rigorous collection was made over in 1916 by Ascensi Codina and is notable for its Coleoptera Cicindelinae (tiger beetles) from all over the world.

Many other important collections followed such as R. Zariquiey, L. Navàs or I. de Sagarra, but the one created as the result of the harvesting and scientific work done by Dr. Francesc Español. Who was curator and Director of the Museum from the 1930s to the 1990s, is especially worth mentioning, as it was a legacy of great scientific interest, containing a large number of new taxa –nearly all of which are still valid today– and new geographical sites. His activity in teaching and training new entomologists was also highly productive as his pupils continued his entomological research. It has thus become a considerably dynamic collection, receiving numerous consultations year after year as well as large numbers of items from Museum collaborators, which further expand its resources

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Type Organization Name
Fournisseur Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona MASÓ ROS Glòria
Producteur Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona MASÓ ROS Glòria

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 09/04/2021 
Last update : 30/11/2023  

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Chiffres clés :

 74 données 
 19 espèces 
 33 taxons 

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