AxIOM: Amphipod crustaceans from insular Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows

Description :

 AxIOM is a sample-based dataset (n = 187 samples) documenting occurrences of amphipod crustaceans associated to Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows from Mediterranean Islands (Corsica, Sardinia). In total, it contains 10720 records of specimens belonging to 72 species spanning 29 families. Samples were collected over different periods 3 consecutive years, both during the day and during the night. A nested hierarchical sampling design was set up, and multiple sampling methods were combined to ensure a holistic view of the taxocenosis. The dataset package is composed of two data files: one describing sampling events, and the other reporting occurrence data of amphipod crustaceans.

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Project :
Title : Multidisciplinary study of trophic diversity and functional role of amphipod crustaceans associated to Posidonia oceanica meadows AND Multiscale variability of amphipod assemblages in Posidonia oceanica meadows: A comparison between different protection levels
Abstract : The AxIOM dataset was generated during two doctoral research programmes that took place at University of Liège, Belgium, between 2006 and 2012. 

The first one focused on ecology of amphipod crustaceans from Posidonia oceanica meadows, on their place in the food web and on their role in the ecosystem. The dissertation is available at 

The second one focused on the multiscale variability patterns of amphipod assemblages associated to P. oceanica meadows, and their potential responses among different  protection levels. The dissertation is available at
Funding : Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) research fellow grant nr. FC74734; Belgian Fund for Research in Industry and Agriculture (FRIA) doctoral grant.
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 The disseminated dataset stems from an automatic treatment applied to data coming from GBIF. INPN rules, and more generally SINP rules (in terms of perimeter and data quality controls) may imply that the whole of the source dataset might not be provided on the SINP platform. 

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Geographic extent


Type Organization Name
Fournisseur University of Liège MICHEL Loïc
Producteur University of Liège MICHEL
Producteur University of Liège STURARO
Producteur University of Liège LEPOINT

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 22/07/2019 
Last update : 30/11/2023  

Species list found :

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Scientific name CD_NOM Kingdom Class Order Family Date of first observation Date of last observation Sheet

Chiffres clés :

 766 données 
 52 espèces 
 53 taxons 

Répartition des données par groupes taxonomiques :

Groupes vernaculaires de premier ordre
Groupes vernaculaires de second ordre

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