Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)

Description :

 Meise Botanic Garden was founded in the early 18th century and is one of the 15 largest botanic gardens, covering 92ha and containing 4 million preserved and living specimens. The collection has a global scope with a focus on Central Africa, Belgium, and South-West Europe. There are also important historical herbarium collections from Latin America, India and Australia. Notable collectors who have contributed to the herbarium, include Van Heurck, Von Martius, Sieber-von Reichenbach and Crepin. A wide range of taxonomic groups are covered including: vascular plants, lichens, mosses, liverworts, fungi, myxomycetes and algae.

Link GBIF portal :

Project :
Title : Digitale Ontsluiting Erfgoedcollecties
Abstract : Digitization of the Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium
Funding : The Flemish Government
Contact :   ()
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Key words

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Geographic extent


Type Organization Name
Producteur Meise Botanic Garden DILLEN
Fournisseur Meise Botanic Garden MEISE BOTANIC GARDEN
Producteur Meise Botanic Garden GROOM

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 24/09/2019 
Last update : 30/11/2023  

Species list found :

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Chiffres clés :

 13546 données 
 2526 espèces 
 2617 taxons 

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