Observadores del Mar - Crustáceos Decápodos

Description :


Observadores del Mar - Seawatchers is an internet platform aimed at connecting citizens and scientists to investigate together the current state of our seas and oceans. Citizens can participate by contributing with their observations and experience. We wish to understand the effects of global warming, pollution, biodiversity changes, invasions of alien species and overfishing in marine ecosystems. To this end, we collect observations and sightings on the distribution and abundance of marine species, the emergence of rare or invasive marine species or the signs of change in ecosystems (mortality of organisms, amassing of surface and bottom pollution).This platform of projects, linked to ongoing research is coordinated by the Institute of Marine Sciences of Barcelona (ICM-CSIC) and relies on the collaboration among citizens scientists from different national and international centers. The main challenges we have are: (1) to detect global warming impacts in biology and distribution of species; (2) to inform about the appearance and expansion of introduced or invasive species; (3) to inform about the presence of warning species such as jellyfish or pufferfish; (4) to expand the knowledge about biology, habitat and distribution of native species; (5) to report the pollution of coasts and sea bottoms and its impact in marine life and ecosystems

Decapod crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, prawns, lobsters, spiny lobsters, hermit crabs,… are a very diverse and still poorly known faunal group, especially so for the wide public. Compared with fish, which are much more evident and easier to watch underwater, crustaceans are much more difficult to obtain reliable information from, since many of them have nocturnal habits, and stay under rocks, buried in the sand or in crevices during most of daytime. Notwithstanding, there is a reasonable number of species that we can be able to see if we watch attentively in the correct habitats, such as crevices or small caves in rocky shores. We aim to obtain data and information on the occurrence not only of the scarce species but also of the common ones. Species that today are common may not be so in a few years time, and inversely, species that today are scarce, or not yet here, may be common tomorrow. Collaboration is necessary and very valuable.

Link GBIF portal : https://www.gbif.org/dataset/ba5f097c-54d3-48ac-a57f-6d93cdbc85c8 Project : Title : Observadores del Mar - Crustáceos Decápodos Abstract : Occurrence records, with photograph whenever possible Funding : Contact : () Le jeu de données diffusé est issu d'un traitement automatique appliqué sur les données issues du GBIF. Les règles de l'INPN et plus globalement du SINP (en termes de périmètre et de contrôle sur les données) peuvent impliquer que l'ensemble des données du jeu source ne soit pas restitué dans le SINP. The disseminated dataset stems from an automatic treatment applied to data coming from GBIF. INPN rules, and more generally SINP rules (in terms of perimeter and data quality controls) may imply that the whole of the source dataset might not be provided on the SINP platform.


 Non renseigné 




 Non renseigné 

Emprise géographique


Type Organisme Nom
Producteur Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) ABELLO Pere
Fournisseur Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) ABELLO Pere

Dates publication :

Premiere diffusion : 26/09/2019 
Dernière mise à jour : 30/11/2023  

Liste des espèces répertoriées :

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Nom scientifique CD_NOM Règne Classe Ordre Famille Date première observation Date dernière observation Fiche

Chiffres clés :

 5 données 
 1 espèces 
 1 taxons 

Répartition des données par groupes taxonomiques :

Groupes vernaculaires de premier ordre
Groupes vernaculaires de second ordre

Répartition temporelle: