Description :
This dataset aims to supply information on the presence/abundance of sea trout as well as run characteristics (timing, size composition, parasite infestation) in two target rivers draining into the Bay of Biscay from South West France. The runs of sea trout entering the Adour and Nivelle rivers were sampled in trapping devices at seven upstream locations (Puyoo, Baigts-de-Béarn, Sorde-l’Abbaye, Chopolo, Halsou, Uxondoa, Olha).
The dataset includes 1257 specimens of Salmo trutta and consists of the date, the location of the catch and some biological data regarding the fish (size and colour of the fish, parasite infestation by the ectoparasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis). When available (600 individuals in total), photographs of sea trout scale have been previously published on INRAE's open access digital repository ( for Nivelle, and for Adour).
The present dataset has already been used by Masson et al. (2018) for studying sea trout movement (
Link GBIF portal :
Project :
Title : Conservation and management of migratory fish in the Adour River and the surrounding coastal rivers
Abstract : MIGRADOUR and INRAE are both involved in migratory fish monitoring in southwest France.
1. MIGRADOUR is a non-profit association under French law 1901. The goal of MIGRADOUR is to protect and restore migratory fish populations and their habitats in southwest France (the Adour River and the coastal streams of both the Basque Country and Département des Landes). MIGRADOUR currently focuses on five migratory fish species: Alosa alosa, Anguilla anguilla, Petromyzon marinus, Salmo salar, Salmo trutta. In order to provide managers with appropriate information that will help them to adopt informed management and conservation strategies, MIGRADOUR collects data at various key life stages of fish species:
a. adult run (trapping or video recording of upstream migrants)
b. catch statistics
c. spawning activity (redd counts)
d. juvenile density (electrofishing survey).
MIGRADOUR is also involved in stocking activities (Salmo salar only).
2. INRAE (Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement) is a research institution established in the Nivelle Valley with the research unit UMR INRAE-UPPA ECOBIOP (Behavioural Ecology and Fish Population Biology). The research undertaken by ECOBIOP focuses on the role of individual behaviour in the structure and evolution of wild fish populations. The Nivelle River is equipped with two migratory fish monitoring stations. ECOBIOP's technical team (IE ECP, DOI : 10.15454/1.5572402068944548E12) and MIGRADOUR jointly manage these two trapping facilities (equipment and staff).
The Adour and Nivelle rivers have now been monitored for several decades, producing extensive chronological data series.
Funding : For MIGRADOUR:
- Agence de l’Eau Adour Garonne,
- Union Européenne (FEDER),
- Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine,
- Fédération Nationale de la Pêche en France,
- Agence Française pour la Biodiversité,
- Département des Pyrénées atlantiques (64),
- Fédérations départementales de pêche du bassin Adour (32 / 40 / 64 / 65).
- various French ministries (Research, Environment, Agriculture etc.),
- government agencies such as AFB (biodiversity),
- Nouvelle Aquitaine regional authorities,
- European Union (FEAMP, INTERREG, FP7-PEOPLE).
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