Occurrences of Boeckella at high latitudes in the southern hemisphere

Description :

 We present an updated database of 37 species of the genus Boeckella (Calanoida Centropagidae). This data aims to provide a comprehensive description of the geographic distribution of the genus south of latitude 40ºS in southern South America, the three-main terrestrial biogeographic regions of Antarctica (i.e. sub-Antarctic islands, maritime and continental Antarctica) and Oceania. 
Last version incorporates 201 new records, 193 from Oceania (i.e. Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, New Caledonia), 7 new records from southern South America and sub-Antarctic island South Georgia and 1 new record from Mongolia. Additionally, we changed the taxonomic status of previous identification in the light of ongoing molecular studies.

Link GBIF portal : https://www.gbif.org/dataset/474ee54a-9eae-4b67-b79b-d8fc2d9ec884

Project :
Title : Distribution of the genus Boeckella at high latitudes: South America, sub-Antarctic islands and Antarctica
Abstract : The present study provides an updated database of 37 species of Boeckella, using a combination of recent sampling data and published records available in the literature, giving a comprehensive description of the geographic distribution of the genus Boeckella at high latitudes in southern South America, the three main terrestrial biogeographic regions of Antarctica (sub-, maritime and continental), including Australasia, Mongolia and New Caledonia. We included new records from South Georgia and changed the taxonomic status of previous records.
Funding : INACH DT-04_16, Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (Chile) CONICYT PIA APOYO CCTE AFB170008, P05-002 ICM; Conicyt Ph.D. Grant 21150317. NERC core funding to the BAS ‘Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation’ Team; Conicyt Ph.D. Grant 21140632; INACH DG-03_16; regular Fondecyt project 1151336, PIA-CONICYT ACT172065, PCI-CONICYT REDES150027.
Contact :   () 

Key words

 No information 




 No information 

Geographic extent


Type Organization Name
Fournisseur University of Chile - Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity MATURANA Claudia S.
Fournisseur University of Magallanes ROSENFELD Sebastian
Fournisseur Costa Humboldt - University of Chile NARETTO Javier
Producteur University of Chile - Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity MATURANA
Producteur University of Chile - Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity POULIN

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 09/04/2021 
Last update : 30/11/2023  

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Chiffres clés :

 3 données 
 2 espèces 
 2 taxons 

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