University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods

Description :

 The University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods (UGCA) serves as the official state repository of insects and other non-marine arthropods. The Collection is part of the UGA Department of Entomology and the Georgia Museum of Natural History (GMNH). The UGCA includes approximately 2,000,000 pinned specimens. In addition the collection houses significant alcohol-preserved and slide-mounted collections. Approximately 60% of the holdings are from the southeastern United States as is consistent with our mission to serve as the primary systematics reference for the state. More than 70% of that regional material is identified to the species level.

Link GBIF portal : 

Key words

 No information 




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Type Organization Name
Fournisseur SCAN
Producteur University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 09/04/2021 
Last update : 14/03/2023  

Species list found :

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Chiffres clés :

 19 données 
 6 espèces 
 6 taxons 

Répartition des données par groupes taxonomiques :

Groupes vernaculaires de premier ordre
Groupes vernaculaires de second ordre

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