Living Collection of the Gothenburg Botanical Garden

Description :

 The area in total is 175 hectares (ca 430 acres), of which most constitutes a nature reserve including the arboretum. The garden proper is about 40 hectares and here grow some 16,000 different species and cultivars. There are many different parts of the garden such as the Rhododendron Valley, the Japanese Glade and the Rockgarden. In the Greenhouses you will find about 4,000 various species and cultivars, including some 1,500 orchids, a remarkable travertine department and the rare Eastern Island Tree. The garden is involved in conservation projects of threatened species in western Sweden.

Link GBIF portal :

Project :
Title : Gothenburg Botanical Garden
Abstract : Gothenburg Botanical Garden. Collection of living specimens, vascular plants.
Funding : Västra Götaland regional council (the public government sector)
Contact :   () 

Key words

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Type Organization Name
Fournisseur Gothenburg Botanical Garden HAVSTRÖM Mats
Fournisseur Gothenburg Botanical Garden KÄLLERSJÖ Mari
Producteur Gothenburg Botanical Garden KRÜGER
Producteur Gothenburg Botanical Garden HAVSTRÖM

Publication dates :

First diffusion : 09/04/2021 
Last update : 30/11/2023  

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